The Power of Data Analysis for Crime Detection

Datateam Bilgi Teknolojileri
3 min readDec 8, 2021


When the data is analyzed adequately, it is the most valuable guide for many fields. The power of data analysis comes into play to obtain actionable intelligence for crime detection as well.

Purpose of Data Analysis Systems for Crime Detection

Every institution and sector must benefit from data science technologies to be ahead of the game. In this sense, perhaps the most important issue for society is crime detection and prevention. It is critical to uncover hidden connections to detect crimes. Hence, comprehensive data analysis systems are essential to finding clues to solve cases for law enforcement.

While detecting a crime, focusing on the right connections and following the cases real-timely is critical. Therefore, data analysis software for crime detection is developed to meet these two needs comprehensively. Such high-volume data that law enforcements have are very effective in detecting crimes when analyzed with an advanced analysis system. Criminals usually act organized and have many different methods. Although it takes a lot of time to detect these organized crimes with traditional methods, an advanced data analysis system makes investigation processes more effective and shorter.

Detection of Digital Footprints

Nowadays, everyone leaves their digital footprints. These footprints emerge from all kinds of data, such as call, flight, and accommodation information. They create many different patterns, and some of them may be suspicious. Even the absence of a digital footprint may indicate a suspicious pattern. It is possible to reveal crime rings with the integrated analysis of digital footprints. Therefore, a powerful data analysis system for crime detection is no longer an option or a complementary element. It is a necessity.

The Power of Graph Visualization

Crime detection software uses the power of relationship-oriented data analysis and graph visualization since they are the best methods to uncover suspicious patterns. The visualization of relationship networks and graph models enables the detection of models that are incompatible with normal patterns. These types of patterns are often indicative of people who act suspiciously. At this point, Datactive offers all the capabilities of graph analytics and more. Its ability to reveal suspicious patterns is highly effective for organized crime detection. The outstanding features of Datactive for crime detection are the ability to define a crime pattern and generate alarms if there is any match, advanced data discovery, and entity-link data visualization. In addition, Datactive allows relationship-oriented data visualization from different sources and viewing all relations at once through a single interface. Since the system is very flexible in expanding the queries, queries can be detailed over a suspicious connection or person with the right-click actions feature.

Click to learn more about the use of Datactive for crime detection by law enforcement.

Future’s Technology or Today’s Necessity?

These technologies have been used for a long time in developed countries. Traditional systems are inadequate to detect organized crime because of the reasons we mentioned. Therefore, it is possible to say that these systems are updated continuously considering the needs, and they are now indispensable for crime detection.



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